August 15, 2009

Welcome to Friends of Kirup Valley Farms Blog

Hello and welcome to Farmer Johns Blogspot. I am new at this so please bear with us as we work through the mechanics of this "Blogin" thing.

Many of you have wondered what goes on in the daily life of a farm. Well for one thing we are at this point in our lives working towards organic certification. Because of all the ramification in becoming certified we classify ourselves "Spray Free".Chemical Free is another. This is the terminology used by those of us who farm this way as "limboland" farmers. We cannot place ourselves into any particular " label" .

We do not spray chemical or chemical based pesticides on the vegetable and fruits that we grow.
We do believe in using no chemical based sprays and organic formulations that help control the bug population.We do however use on a rare occasion when pests are out of control an OMRI and Australia approved  natural sprays.

This season is going to be year number 5 for this farm. We found out looking through some papers we found that this farm was abandoned for many years but was Organically farmed beforehand.

Our goals this year are to increase our production of vegetables as well as fruit.
We have already bottled our own Farmer John's Olive Oil, We also have this year a new line of Lemon Infused Olive Oil.

We eventually  plan on bottling a Kirup Dew Drops some  year. This is a yellow jalapeno chili pepper sauce.
We also have on the planning board a Habanero Peach Salsa and also a Kirup Champagne Sauce. This is a Habanero Chili based sauce for those who like it a bit hotter than normal heat.

We had a complaint that I grew our Jalapeno peppers too hot this past season from a Vegetable Buyer who said his Perth based Mexican restaurant buyers complained to him. Oh Well one cannot please all the chili heads in the world. I normally grow all of our chillies HOT!!!! that is what they are there for. I recently burned my own tongue with a hot OP  Jalapeno.

We had over 87 different trials last summer of vegetables and have narrowed the selection to a few this year.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Farmer!
    This is so great that you are posting on a blog!
    Post pics too. Kay?
    Your Sistah Sue


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